The effect of 2.45GHz Microwave Radiation on Brain Cell Apoptosis in Sprague Dawley Rats

WAN SAFFIEY Wan Abdullah1, ROZAIMAH Abdul Rahim1*, SITI ZALIKHA Abdul Rahim2
1NIR Group, BKS, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Malaysia
2Institute of Medical Science Technology,Universiti Kuala Lumpur

Microwave radiation is a part of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations present in the environment and is now being perceived as health risks. The study was performed to investigate the effect
of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on brain cell apoptosis in Sprague Dawley rat. In the research done, 32 Sprague Dawley rat were used and divided into four groups; control group, G1 (1 month
exposure), G2 (2 months exposure) and G3 (3 months exposure). The presence of apoptotic activity in control group was compared molecularly with exposed group through DNA ladder test. Each
exposed group were irradiated in GTEM cell at frequency of 2.45GHz located at RF/MW laboratory. There was presence of necrotic instead of apoptotic activity in brain cell and increase in
weight of Sprague Dawley rat. Therefore the effect of 2.45GHz microwave radiation shown no presence of apoptosis and increase in weight of Sprague Dawley rat.

Telecommunication and wireless technology which is become very important and as part of our lives. The widespread of this technology contributed more NIR man-made sources or specifically microware radiation
exposure to the human. Concerns have been raise by people using, working or living near the microwave radiation source about potential hazard to human body. The mechanisms of biological action from this
radiation are not clear, but some data indicate potential hazard of low level electromagnetic irradiation (Shckorbatov et al, 2011). The innovation of technology lead to increase usage of microwave radiation among
people, thus people are expose to radiation (Yakymenko, 2011). The increase usage of cellular phone also believes to have adverse effect tower human body. Study by Y.Zhu et al, show that microwave lead to
significant cell death in culture and more in vivo, brain neuronal cell were stained positive for TUNNEL assay. In previous study, it was reported that extremely low frequency EMF induced tissue damage in different
organs of the experimental animal (Khayyat, 2011).
The microwave radiation that form as electromagnetic field with a low frequency is believed can alter brain activity or damage to brain tissue. A study of military personnel in Poland showed a significantly
increased relative risk of several nervous system tumors, including brain cancer, in persons exposed to electromagnetic fields of microwave radiation. In study by Y.G. Shckorbatov et al (2010), the influence of
microwave radiation on the state of chromatin in human cells conclude that the microwave-induced condensation of chromatin in human cells. Chromatin which is important component in each cell in human body
consist of DNA, RNA and other protein. The condensation of chromatin indicate the cell damage.
Apoptosis (known as programmed cell death)
Apoptosis identified by as series change of morphological features of characterized by cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, cellular budding and rapid fragmentation (Hockenbery, 1995). The cell of multicellular
organisms is highly organized cell. This number of cell in community is highly regulated, not simply controlling rate of cell division but also rate of cell death. If cell are no longer needed, they commit suicide by
activating an intracellular death program. The term “Apoptosis” is derived from Greek words meaning dropping off and refer to falling of leaves (kerr et al, 1991).

The study was aim to investigate the effect of 2.45GHz microwave radiation on brain cell apoptosis in
Spraque Dawley rats.
Specific objectives:
 To compare the presence of apoptotic activity between control and expose groups with different
exposure duration.
 To compare weight of the rats before and after exposure according exposure duration

Materials And Apparatus
For irradiation process, GTEM Cell System were used to generate 2.45 GHz microwave radiation in
shield environment at level more than 61 V/m in Nuclear Malaysia facility (RF/MW Lab). The system consist of signal generator, amplifier and GTEM Cell. Electromagnetic field meter, PMM instrument Model 8053 attached with an isotropic
electric field probe Model PMM EP-33M was used to measure the radiation inside the GTEM Cell System.
Medical laboratory of Kuala Lumpur University were used for clinical process. Rats were euthanized by using sodium pentobarbital at intraperitoneal injection before dissect and keep in liquid nitrogen. The freezer brain tissue will
go for DNA extraction before testing for DNA ladder test.
(5M NaCi, 20 ug/ml Proteinase K, Gel Loading Buffer (10X), TBE Buffer, Tris, EDTA (TE), xylene, ethidium bromide, Agarose, A Conical flask, scalpel,
forceps, centrifuge, incubator, aspirate, microcentrifuge tube, micropipette, freezer, vortex, 250ml beaker, syringe, 100 mg sodium pentabarbitol, 4%
paraformaldehyde, mask, gloves, DNA ladder kit, dissecting set, TBE, nanometer, Boric acid, Sodium Hydroxide)

The study design for this research is experimental design (refer project flowchart). In the research
conducted, thirty two Sprague Dawley Rats were used and divided into four groups, one control
groups and three expose groups. Each group consists of 8 rats. All rats were kept at the laboratory for
7 days at a stable temperature in order to ensure adaptations of the animals to their new environment
before irradiate with 2.45GHz microwave radiation using GTEM Cell.

From the research conducted, the result had clearly shown there is no presence of apoptosis in brain
cell of Sprague Dawley rat. Besides, the effect of irradiation also lead to psychological stress that result
in weight gain. The release of glucocorticoid after stimulate by hypothalamus had encourage in food
intake that cause increase in weight after three month exposure.

Further test on the brain’s rat is needed for confirmation such as reactive oxidative stress (ROS),
Tunel Assay, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Test, caspase test and other test because of the brain as a
vulnerable organ.

About the author