Children are especially vulnerable to EMF exposure

  • Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: The most critical regions of a child’s head absorb two to ten times more RF EMF than adults. Current exposure limits assume the anatomy of U.S. military recruits. Accountable, independent groups should revise U.S. exposure limits, using anatomically-based models.
  • Pathophysiology: Existing safety standards are obsolete because they are based solely on thermal effects from acute exposures. The rapidly expanding development of new wireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious diseases as brain cancers means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risks may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future… Taking action to reduce exposures is imperative, especially for the fetus and children. (Link to full study)
  • European Journal of Cancer: Health hazards faced by mobile phone users’ children include: brain tumors; tumors of acoustical nerves and inner ear; memory disruption; attention deficit; diminishing learning and cognitive abilities; increased irritability; sleep problems; stress sensitivity; epileptic events; Alzheimer’s disease. (See link: Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
  • PLOS One: RF-EMR (1.8 GHz, 0.4 W/kg to 27.5 W/kg) induced oxidative stress in human sperm, damaging DNA. These effects correlate with poor fertility, increased miscarriage, childhood cancer, and morbidity in the offspring.
  • Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure: Children are at greater risk than adults when exposed to any carcinogen, and they absorb more microwave radiation than adults. The exposure limit for laptop computers and tablets is set when devices are tested 20 cm away from the body. Belgium, France, India and other technologically sophisticated governments are passing laws and/or issuing warnings about children’s use of wireless devices.
  • Physics in Medicine and Biology: The geometry of a child’s head significantly increases mobile phone EMF absorption in the brain, eye, cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. Children have especially high bone marrow conductivity, greatly increasing EMF absorption.
  • Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: Specific absorption rate for people with metal-framed spectacles and metallic implants can exceed ANSI/IEEE standards in: a) Adults while using mobile phones at 900 MHz, and in b) Children while using mobile phones at 2100 MHz.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Children who reside within 2 km of the nearest AM radio transmitter are significantly more likely to develop leukemia, as compared with children residing over 20 km from AM radio transmitters. (300 kHz to 3 GHz; 0.2 to 4 V/M) (Full text link)
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Male mortality and childhood leukemia risks significantly declined with increasing distance from Rome, Italy radio and TV station transmitters (100 kHz to 300 GHz).
  • Journal of Cellular Physiology: Association between childhood cancers, particularly leukemia and brain cancer, and exposure to low- and high-frequency EMF suggested a causal role of 900 MHz EMFs.
  • Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology: Statistically significant cluster of 12 acute leukemia cases among children living within 2.6 miles of the radio towers, between 1979 and 1990, on Waianae Coast, Hawaii.
  • Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice: Mobile phones may cause significant increases in the frequency of seizures in epileptic children, brain tumors and high blood pressure. In addition, mobile phones can cause discomfort, lack of concentration, dizziness, warming of the ear, and burning skin.
  • Child Development: Symptoms of retarded memory, learning, cognition, attention, and behavioral problems have been reported in numerous studies. They manifest as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, as a result of EMF and RFR exposures.
  • Environment International: Weak pattern of lower mean cognition scores among children in relation to high frequency maternal prenatal cell phone use.
  • International Journal of Radiation Biology: The RF EMF emitted by mobile phones affects brain oscillatory responses during cognitive processing in children, as measured by electroencephalogram.
  • Journal of the American Medical Association – Pediatrics: A more than 3.5-fold increased rate of asthma occurs in children when mothers have more than 2.0 milligauss magnetic frequency exposure during their pregnancy, when compared to the children of mothers who had less than 0.3 milligauss magnetic frequency exposure during their pregnancy.
  • British Medical Journal (BMJ): Distance from home address at birth to the nearest high voltage overhead power line revealed an association with childhood leukemia. Apparent risk extends to 600 meters.
  • Epidemiology: Association between magnetic fields and leukemia in children with Down syndrome suggests the possibility of a causal role for magnetic fields in the etiology of leukemia among Downs syndrome patients – who have a 20-fold higher risk of leukemia.
  • Epidemiology: Increased risk of childhood leukemia among children whose mothers were exposed to the highest occupational levels of ELF-MF during pregnancy
  • French National Academy of Pharmacy: Risk of childhood leukemia associated with extremely low frequency EMF in the home when chronic exposure exceeds 0.4 μT.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Electrical wiring configurations with high current was noted in Colorado in 1976–1977 near the homes of children who developed cancer, as compared to the homes of control children. Unproven correlation may be AC magnetic fields.
  • British Journal of Cancer: The suggested association between exposure to 50–60 Hz magnetic fields and childhood leukemia found the 0.8% of children exposed to ≥ 0.4 μT had a significantly elevated leukemia risk that’s unlikely due to random variability.
  • Epidemiology: Risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia was elevated in children who used electric blankets, or children whose mothers used electric blankets or mattress pads during pregnancy.
  • American Journal of Public Health: Epidemiologic studies showing correlations between residential magnetic field exposure and childhood leukemia identify a consistent risk that cannot be explained by random variation.
  • Reviews on Environmental Health: Existing standards for radiofrequency exposure are inadequate… The cost of doing nothing will result in many young people developing cancer.