EMF exposure is associated with cancer

  • Pathophysiology: Existing safety standards are obsolete because they are based solely on thermal effects from acute exposures. The rapidly expanding development of new wireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious diseases as brain cancers means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risks may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future… Taking action to reduce exposures is imperative, especially for the fetus and children. (Link to full study)
  • National Toxicology Program (U.S.): Unequivocal evidence of heart cancer from GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 900 MHz in male lab rats after 2 year exposure. Equivocal associations also found between RFR exposure and malignant (and non-malignant) tumors of the brain, adrenal gland, prostate gland, pituitary gland, and pancreas.
  • National Toxicology Program (U.S.): Equivocal evidence found after two years of exposure to GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 1.8 GHz in lab mice, which was significantly associated with lymphoma and liver cancer.
  • US Food and Drug Administration: US food and drug officials dismiss the “clear evidence” of carcinogenic activity in rodents exposed to RF EMF that was identified by the US National Toxicology Program.
  • PLOS One: RF-EMR (1.8 GHz, 0.4 W/kg to 27.5 W/kg) induced oxidative stress in human sperm, damaging DNA. These effects correlate with poor fertility, increased miscarriage, childhood cancer, and morbidity in the offspring.
  • Radiation Research: Human lymphatic system white blood cells experience genomic instability after exposure to radiation in the terahertz frequency band (0.1 THz; 0.031 mW/cm2; 2 and 24 hour exposure). Effects attributed to radiation-induced low-frequency collective vibrational modes of proteins and DNA. This exposure may increase cancer risk.
  • International Journal of Radiation Biology: 2.45-Gz wireless devices induce oxidative stress and proliferation through cytosolic Ca²⁺ influx in human leukemia cancer cells.
  • International Journal of Oncology: Radiofrequency fields should be classified as a Group 2A probable human carcinogen under the criteria used by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
  • British Journal of Industrial Medicine – Occupational and Environmental Medicine: In areas of the brain most exposed to cell phone radiation (at 800–900 and 1800–1900 MHz), the likelihood of glioma tumors (i.e., brain cancer) among those with 10+ years of mobile phone use increased 280%.
  • European Journal of Cancer: Health hazards faced by mobile phone users’ children include: brain tumors; tumors of acoustical nerves and inner ear; memory disruption; attention deficit; diminishing learning and cognitive abilities; increased irritability; sleep problems; stress sensitivity; epileptic events; Alzheimer’s disease. (Referenced link: Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
  • International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health: 5-G radiation yet to be evaluated, but evidence suggests it poses risks including cancer and non-communicable diseases. 
  • Pathophysiology: EMFs disturb immune function through stimulation of various allergic and inflammatory responses, undermining tissue repair processes. This increases risks for cancer, DNA damage, and neurological effects, which can occur at exposure levels significantly below current safety limits.
  • Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology: The hazard ratio is 2.24 for glioblastoma, an extremely aggressive brain cancer, among cell phone users who began cell phone usage under the age of 20, see Tables 12 and 13.
  • International journal of environmental research and public health: The hazard ratio for glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, is 2.0 among people who used mobile phones for 20 years; with the hazard ratio jumping to 3.4 among people who used cordless phones for 20 years. These hazard ratios increase 2% for each additional year of mobile or cordless phone use.
  • International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health: Increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living closer than 500 meters from cell phone towers, despite exposure levels within international safety guidelines
  • Environmental Medicine Society (German): Cancer cases increased significantly among people living within 400 meters of a new cell phone tower (935 MHz) in Naila, Germany. Cancer rates close to the tower increased by a factor of 3.11 during the second five year period of the cell phone tower’s operation, and 1.26 during the first five-year period. Cancer patients near the new tower fell ill on average, 8 years earlier.
  • International Journal of Cancer Prevention: Population living within 350 meters of a 850 MHz, 1500 watt cell phone tower in Netanya, Israel experienced a 4 fold cancer increase (i.e., carcinoma of the breast, ovary, lung, kidney, bone, and Hodgkin’s disease). Obvious potentially confounding variables were ruled out.
  • Bioelectromagnetics: The genotoxic effect of electromagnetic radiation (830 MHz, 1.6 to 8.8 W/kg) on human peripheral blood lymphocytes is elicited via a non-thermal pathway. Result is a major “somatic mutation”, leading to genomic instability that can result in cancer.   
  • Radiation Research: Genetically cancer-prone lab mice had 2.4 times the cancer rate of unexposed mice, after being exposed (900 MHz; pulse repetition frequency 217 Hz; 2.6-13 W/m2; 0.008-4.2 W/kg, averaging 0.13-1.4 W/kg).
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Use of wireless phones for 20+ years reduced survival rates for cancer patients with glioma (nervous system cancer) and astrocytoma (brain cancer). RF-EMF should be regarded as a human carcinogen.
  • Environmental Health Perspectives: Stem cells react to more radio frequencies than other cells, thus they should be analyzed when validating: a) Cancer risk, and b) Safe mobile communication signals. Stem cells were the most affected cells in this study, at cell phone frequencies of 915 MHz and 1.947 GHz.
  • Reviews on Environmental Health: Hundreds of studies show non-thermal exposure to microwaves induces negative biological impacts, contradicting the assumptions of a Canadian “Safety” Panel. Problems repeatedly associated with non-thermal exposure include: cancer; broken DNA; male/female infertility; sleep disruption; heart problems (i.e., tachycardia, arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death); diverse neuropsychiatric effects including depression; and oxidative stress. Voltage-gated calcium channel activation induces biological impacts at non-thermal RF EMF levels.
  • Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: Among 100 currently available peer-reviewed studies dealing with oxidative effects of low-intensity radio frequency radiation, 93 identified oxidative effects. Cancer and non-cancer pathologies are among the results.
  • Archives of Environmental Health: Correlation between melanoma incidence and the number of FM radio (i.e. frequency modulated – 87.5-108 MHz) transmitters. Melanoma is associated with exposure to frequency modulated broadcasting.
  • Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: Melanoma, breast, and other cancers significantly associated with the density of FM broadcasting (i.e. frequency modulated – 87.5-108 MHz transmitters) in the European countries examined
  • Medical Science Monitor: The rapid rise in melanoma skin cancer after 1955 correlates with the rollout of FM/TV broadcasting (i.e. frequency modulated transmitters). Disturbance of cell repair mechanisms by body-resonant electromagnetic fields amplifies carcinogenic effects resulting from cell damage by UV solar radiation.
  • European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Strong association between cancer risk and the use of horizontally polarized FM broadcasting radiation (i.e. frequency modulated – 87.5-108 MHz). This information should form the basis for initiating relevant corrective actions by responsible authorities.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Children who reside within 2 km of the nearest AM radio transmitter are significantly more likely to develop leukemia, as compared with children residing over 20 km from AM radio transmitters. (300 kHz to 3 GHz; 0.2 to 4 V/M) (Full text link)
  • International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health: Elevated cancer rates and mortality were documented within 2 kilometers of 100 to 500 kilowatt AM radio broadcasting towers in Korea.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Male mortality and childhood leukemia risks significantly declined with increasing distance from Rome, Italy radio and TV station transmitters (100 kHz to 300 GHz).
  • Cancers: Strong correlations between: a) Wavelength of the FM band (i.e., 87–108 MHz), b) Timeline for rapid increases in FM radio and TV broadcasting in Nordic countries, c) The human body’s geometry and ability to absorb radiation, and d) Cancer.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Increasing distance from British radio and TV transmitters significantly correlates with declining risks for adult leukemia, skin, and bladder cancers.
  • Journal of Cellular Physiology: Association between childhood cancers, particularly leukemia and brain cancer, and exposure to low- and high-frequency EMF suggested a causal role of 900 MHz EMFs.
  • Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health: Studies with duration that exceeds expected latency period are consistently finding an increased cancer risk associated with mobile phone use. 
  • Surgical Neurology: Short term studies that find no association between cell phone usage and cancer miss the problem. Incorporating cell phone billing records for the 10 years prior addresses the long latency time for RF EMF health effects.
  • European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Brain tumors correlate with side of the brain used during cell phone calls. 
  • European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Cellular telephone use increases risk of tumors near point of exposure. 
  • Differentiation – Research in Biological Diversity: GSM mobile phone radiation (900 MHz, 1-hour non-thermal exposure) facilitates development of brain cancer, by increasing blood-brain barrier permeability due to likely accumulation of brain tissue damage.
  • Reviews on Environmental Health: Long-term exposure to EMF is a risk factor for cancer, Alzheimer’s, and male infertility… Treatment should focus on the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure.
  • Reviews on Environmental Health: Existing standards for radiofrequency exposure are inadequate… The cost of doing nothing will result in many young people developing cancer.
  • American Journal of Industrial Medicine: OSHA noted increased incidence cancers of the testes, blood, brain, eye, and skin among police officers working with traffic radar. Among 22,197 officers employed by 83 Ontario (Canada) police departments, there are statistically significant rates of testicular and skin cancers.
  • Environment International: Apparent cancer cluster at a police detachment in coastal British Columbia. Among 174 current and former employees, 16 cancer cases reported. Potentially associated with police traffic radar.
  • Advances in Cancer Research: Proliferation of preleukemic cells induced by radiation leukemia virus variants.
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Electrical wiring configurations with high current was noted in Colorado in 1976–1977 near the homes of children who developed cancer, as compared to the homes of control children. Unproven correlation may be AC magnetic fields.
  • British Journal of Cancer: The suggested association between exposure to 50–60 Hz magnetic fields and childhood leukemia found the 0.8% of children exposed to ≥ 0.4 μT had a significantly elevated leukemia risk that’s unlikely due to random variability.
  • Environmental Research Journal: Large-scale lifetime study of 2,448 rats exposed to mobile phone RF EMF field equal to emissions from a 1.8 GHz cell phone base station. The resulting brain and heart tumors are identical to those observed in epidemiological studies on cell phone users. This, combined with the US National Toxicology Program’s study provide sufficient evidence to call for the reevaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans.
  • Environmental Health: New Zealand youth will be at elevated risk of brain tumors by their mid-teens, based on their reported phone usage, and findings of the Interphone and Hardell-group studies.
  • BioMed Research International: Nearly 100% of studies employing real mobile phone exposures reveal adverse effects, which include associations to brain tumors, declines in animal populations, and symptoms of un-wellness.
  • International Journal of Oncology: Glioma (malignant tumor of nervous system) risk associated with use of mobile or cordless phones. Risk increases with latency time, cumulative use in hours, and was highest in subjects with first use before the age of 20. (Link to full study)
  • American Journal of Epidemiology: Positive, dose-related association between cellular phone use and parotid gland tumors. 
  • Surgical Neurology: Epidemiological evidence suggests a link between prolonged cell phone usage and the development of brain tumors on the side of the head that an individual uses for cell phone calls.
  • European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Brain tumors correlate with side of the brain used during cell phone calls. 
  • International Journal of Oncology: Location of tumors correlate with side of head exposed to cell phone radiation. 
  • International Journal of Radiation Biology: Cellular phone use significantly increases risk for malignant brain tumors. 
  • European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Cellular telephone use increases risk of tumors near point of exposure. 
  • Medscape General Medicine: Cellular telephone use is associated with an increased risk of brain tumors in area with highest exposure. 
  • Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice: Mobile phones may cause significant increases in the frequency of seizures in epileptic children, brain tumors and high blood pressure. In addition, mobile phones can cause discomfort, lack of concentration, dizziness, warming of the ear, and burning skin.
  • Medical Hypotheses: RFR exposure to firehouse/vehicle radios account for some of the increased health risks among firefighters. Respiratory diseases are typically not elevated among firefighters, despite their inhaled carcinogen exposure.
  • International Journal of Oncology: Glioma (malignant tumor of nervous system) risk associated with use of mobile or cordless phones. Risk increases with latency time, cumulative use in hours, and was highest in subjects with first use before the age of 20. (Link to full study)
  • Pathophysiology: Elevated risk for malignant melanoma in the head and neck region among cell phone users who started using cell phones before the age of 20 years.
  • National Toxicology Program: Increased malignant schwannomas and cardiomyopathy found in the hearts of rats after exposure to increasing levels of radiofrequency radiation at and above  allowable limits for cell phone emissions.
  • International Journal of Radiation Biology: Cellular phone use significantly increases risk for malignant brain tumors.